
Port operation
OnBreakBreak flag changed.
OnCloseThe port has been closed by serial application.
OnOpenThe port has been opened by third-party serial application.
OnOpenBeforeAttachThe port has been opened by third-party serial application before your program calls Attach method.
OnPurgeSerial application purged all data in input and output queues.
OnQueryOpenThis event fires when third-party serial application tries to open virtual serial port.
OnRxCharThe data has been written to the port.
Port settings
OnBaudRateBaudrate communications parameter has been set.
OnDataBitsDataBits communications parameter has been set.
OnParityParity communications parameter has been set.
OnStopBitsStopBits communications parameter has been set.
OnTimeoutsTimeouts value has been set.
OnDtrDTR signal has been changed.
OnRtsRTS signal has been changed.
Flow control
OnBreakCharBREAK character has been set.
OnEofCharEOF character has been set.
OnErrorCharERROR character has been set.
OnEvtCharEVENT character has been set.
OnXoffCharXOFF character has been set.
OnXoffLimXOFFLIM value has been set.
OnXonCharXON character has been set.
OnXonLimXONLIM value has been set.
Extended flow control
OnAbortOnErrorValue of fAbortOnError member of DCB structure changed.
OnDsrSensitivityValue of fDsrSensitivity member of DCB structure changed.
OnDtrControlValue of fDtrControl member of DCB structure changed.
OnInXValue of fInX member of DCB structure changed.
OnNullValue of fNull member of DCB structure changed.
OnOutXValue of fOutX member of DCB structure changed.
OnOutxCtsFlowValue of fOutxCtsFlow member of DCB structure changed.
OnOutxDsrFlowValue of fOutxDsrFlow member of DCB structure changed.
OnRtsControlValue of fRtsControl member of DCB structure changed.
OnTXContinueOnXoffValue of fTXContinueOnXoff member of DCB structure changed.
OnUseErrorCharValue of fErrorChar member of DCB structure changed.